About Us

Prgramly is a tech education institute that empowers children to be tech leaders through actual programming languages and projects. Based in Singapore, Prgramly emphasises on computational thinking and Socratic teaching methods to bring forth the very best in each unique kid. Beyond current and future tech trends, the more important focus should be on the hard and soft skills needed for the future.

Our secret ambition? We aim to help kick start children’s tech career with programming.

Kenneth Lim
Curriculum Director

Let Numbers Talk

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Years of Experience
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Students Impacted
Our Vision
To be an adaptive force that inspires humanity to forge the future and outdo themselves.

We re-think and design our future in accordance with our ideals.

Always striving for our ideals and let our work inspire ourselves and others to create our own future.

We dare to try, dare to fail forward, dare to challenge possibilities.

Our Mission
To craft and curate learning opportunities that best suit the needs of every student and every teacher.

Forging forward also means rethinking about norms. That’s why we believe we can give that edge to kickstart your child’s tech career. 

We are guided by principles and values:

Why Prgramly?