NS55 Scratch Basics

[NS55] Scratch Basics

Scratch Programming is one of the most popular programming languages for teaching kids because of its drag-and-drop based interface.

Students get to experience the programming logic, key skills such as Computational Thinking, sequencing and problem solving.

2 Sessions of 90 mins / Online Zoom Class (Ages 8 – 12)

Learn the basics of Scratch Programming and start creating simple games!

Step 1: Put in your email and the student’s name below.

Step 2: Use the LifeSG app > NS55 Credits > Scan QR code to pay. You can download the QR code here.

Step 3: IMPORTANT! Record the transaction reference number when you completed your payment.

We will contact you within 3 working days to finalise the lesson days and time slots.

As this is an online lesson, a strong working internet connection is recommended, as well as access to a desktop or latop computer.

No further programs are needed for this course.